A Campus-wide Framework to Increase Students’ Academic Success
Project Lead: Shaun Vecera
Funding Approved: Fiscal Year 22
Project Status: In Progress
Funded amount: $900,000 over three years
Learning at Iowa is contributing to progress toward the University of Iowa's goals of improving undergraduate retention and persistence through graduation by helping students learn how to learn.
The project is focused on implementing the Three Ms for Effective Learning (Mindset, Metacognition, and Memory), a method to promote learning. Members of the Learning at Iowa team have employed a comprehensive strategy to spread the three Ms across campus, reaching an impressive number of students, faculty, and staff since the start of the project.
The project was extended for an additional year following year three but with no additional funding requested.
Activities to date:
- Supported student learning by introducing the Learning at Iowa framework during On Iowa!
- Provided faculty and staff with tools and skills to facilitate learning, including new training and professional development opportunities
- More than 200 faculty and staff and more than 300 undergraduate student leaders have attended Learning at Iowa presentations or discussions to learn how to implement the framework in their roles.
- Increased enrollment in Learning About Learning course, which helps students feel better prepared for their courses
- Included extensive Learning at Iowa content in the First-Gen Hawks seminar course
- Over 150 first-generation students in the fall 2023 course will receive three full class sessions of instruction on mindset, metacognition, and memory, and engage in reflection activities to support their implementation of effective learning strategies in all of their courses
- Produced additional materials that focus on actionable tips for students to implement the three Ms for effective learning (Mindset, Metacognition, Memory)
- Provided continuous training to all resident assistants on the Three Ms and how to discuss the Learning at Iowa framework with residents
- Used bulletin boards in the residence halls to promote effective learning strategies that students can explore at their own pace
- As of fall 2023, around 3,500 students living in residence halls discussed using the Three Ms for learning and academic success during floor meetings and "Hawk Talks" with their resident assistants
- Initiated active partnerships with 25 academic departments and student-supporting administrative units across campus
- Collaboratively developed the new position, Metacognitive Mentors, to provide individualized responses to students’ metacognitive reflections in the College Algebra course, allowing the instructor and TAs to focus on course content and ensuring students receive timely feedback on their study strategies
- In 2023-24, 715 conference attendees were introduced to Learning at Iowa concepts
Next Steps:
The project team received a one-year no-cost extension to continue advancing the Learning at Iowa initiative. This extension will support the development and revision of learning resources for students, expand partnerships with student-facing staff, enhance faculty engagement, and develop support for graduate teaching assistants.
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