As part of our commitment to Excellence in Teaching and Learning, we are dedicated to fostering high-quality teaching and dynamic educational experiences that empower all students to achieve their aspirations.

Our goal is to create an environment where teaching and learning thrive, and where every student has the support and resources they need to succeed.

To achieve this, we will work to enhance support, incentives, and structures that facilitate teaching excellence and student learning. We will also provide departmental and program-level resources and ensure accountability for the implementation of sustained course and curriculum innovation. Our efforts will be guided by a deep commitment to inclusivity and equity, and will be informed by best practices and research on effective teaching and learning.

We believe that every student has the potential to succeed, and we are committed to creating a campus culture that values and supports teaching excellence at every level. By working together and embracing innovation, we can create a dynamic and transformative learning experience for all.

Spotlight Stories

Spotlight Stories

Building partnerships with K-12 educators

Unlocking insights for instructors

UI instructors awarded experiential education course development grants

Measuring Our Progress

The university has many efforts in place to facilitate retention and timely graduation. Our first-year retention and four-year graduation rates are at all-time highs and we continue to focus on decreasing retention and graduation gaps for first-generation and underrepresented minority students.

The following retention and graduation numbers were measured in fall 2023. 

89.3 %

first-year retention rate

For students who entered fall 2022, a UI record

60.3 %

four-year graduation rate

For students who entered fall 2019, a UI record

73.1 %

six-year graduation rate

For students who entered fall 2017