Critical Tasks
Enhance UI’s statewide visibility and increase access to UI expertise. (Aligned with BOR SP Objectives 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3)
Leverage our strengths by creating internally or externally funded partnerships in every Iowa county.
Utilize technology to increase engagement, especially with rural Iowa.
Create pathways for students to pursue health careers and remain in Iowa. (Aligned with BOR SP Objective 2.2)
- Bring K-12 and community college students to campus for immersion experiences in health related fields.
- Improve mentoring for first-generation and underrepresented minority students interested in health careers.
- Make UI graduates aware of opportunities for career success and community leadership in Iowa, and explore mechanisms to encourage graduates to practice in Iowa.
Enhance health partnerships. (Aligned with BOR SP Objective 2.2)
- Foster UI health programs as a state of the art teaching resource for practitioners.
- Lead the state and the nation with accessible, nationally recognized health care.
- Ensure that health care programs and communications networks are responsive to the needs of a changing populace.
Support the translation of intellectual work into applications to enhance economic development. (Aligned with BOR SP Objectives 2.1, 2.2)
- Explore increased opportunities for entrepreneurial education, new venture creation, technology transfer, and innovation.
- Connect faculty, staff, and students to organizations to solve social, technical, and business problems.
Create lifelong learning opportunities that broaden UI’s reach across Iowa. (Aligned with BOR SP Objectives 1.4, 2.2)
- Assemble data on educational needs across the state.
- Expand certificate and degree programs available beyond the main UI campus.
- Host Iowa education leaders in discussions of critical educational issues.
- Address gaps in articulation agreements and access.
Create a model to engage the time and talents of alumni. (Aligned with BOR SP Objective 2.2)
- Establish baseline measures of alumni involvement in engagement and develop strategies to strengthen that involvement.
Position UI Outreach and Engagement as the hub to identify and promote research and engagement. (Aligned with BOR SP Objectives 1.3, 2.2)
- Develop strategic communication to inform Iowans about UI’s strengths, value, and excellence.
- Disseminate a unified engagement message.
- Increase awareness of engagement opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.
- Create a campus-wide engagement reporting mechanism.
- Promote recognition of faculty, staff, and student participation in engagement.
- Utilize the assets of UI Athletics in reaching out to alumni, supporters, and prospective students.
- Assess engagement programs to determine their impact.