Ensuring High Quality Career Development for Every Hawkeye

Project Lead: Matthew Augeri

Funding Approved: Fiscal Year 23
Project Status: In Progress  
Funded amount: $407,040 over three years

The Pathways to Success program aims to increase the percentage of students who engage in ongoing and personalized career development by implementing a technological solution that can help address inequities in career pathway preparation. 

The project entails a unique, accessible, and integrated platform that broadens access and motivates students to engage in high impact career practices such as career advice and career planning assistance. 

Activities to date:

  • Created My Career Path portal personal assessment tool
    • Includes a personal assessment tool 
    • Designed to identify and address gaps in career outcome achievement for undergraduate students 
    • Used feedback from the pilot program to guide updates and changes for version two of the platform
  • Utilized the Iowa Landscape Analysis Report to determine four career milestones:  
    • Career Planning & Reflection 
    • Career Experiences 
    • Connections to Employers or Alumni 
    • Career Articulation  
  • Identified gaps in career outcome achievements among various student populations and underserved majors 
    • Reviewed institutional data and conducted conversations with campus partners 
    • Utilized this information to develop the My Career Path portal personal assessment tool 
  •  Worked to integrate the My Career Path portal with other student success platforms
    • Tested "Plan of Study" integration between MAUI and My Career Path
    • Created modules in ICON that students will be able to enroll in through the portal
  • Tested My Career Path portal with 2-3 pilot populations in fall 2023
    • 226 unique student users across six academic colleges participated in the fall pilots
  • Developed and implemented strategies to promote the portal across campus
    • Met with collegiate and departmental stakeholders to identify partnership opportunities
    • Put together My Career Path webpage for career center website
    • Purchased giveaway materials for campus partners and students
  • As of fall 2024, the platform has had over 1,400 student users and has been embedded into over 75 academic courses

Next Steps:

In year three of the project, the Pathways to Success team fully launched the My Career Path portal. The team will focus on marketing and engagement strategies to promote the tool and work to fully integrate the portal with tools such as MAUI and ICON to enhance the user experience. The team also submitted a grant proposal that, if successful, will extend the development of the portal and establish new integrations with ICON, SWIPE, and the Student Engagement Record.

In the News

Photo of students walking with headline "Chart your journey" in middle

Helping students chart personalized career paths

A new tool for students to explore career interests

My Career Path, a tool developed by the Pomerantz Career Center (PCC) and ITS’s Administrative Information Systems and Custom Solutions and Integrations teams, will deliver personalized career-planning recommendations when the site launches in fall 2024.