Project Lead: Lois Geist

Funding Approved: Fiscal Year 23
Project Status: In Progress  
Funded amount: $2M over three years

The Post-tenure Faculty Support project provides support to select mid-career tenured faculty through a competitive, peer-reviewed, outcomes-oriented process. It provides tenured associate professors with career development support that allows them to focus on their scholarship at a critical juncture in their career. This investment in the career development of this select group of faculty who have been successful has the main goal of positioning them for further success. 

Activities to date:

  • Sent out a call for applications and awarded funding to 8 individuals for year two, bringing the total number of faculty funded through the program to 14. 
  • Assessed progress and gathered feedback from the first cohort of faculty awarded. 

Next Steps:

  • Collect, review, and award applications for the spring 25 cohort
  • Evaluate progress reports from first and second award cohort
  • Expand utilization of mentors to support career development. 
  • Monitor career progress as appropriate

"This program has been very helpful for my career at this stage and is enabling the acceleration of an important branch of research that was detailed in the proposal." - Faculty Program Participant