These pages contain archived information about the University of Iowa Strategic Plan for 2016 to 2021.
Research & Discovery
Metric | 2021 Goal |
Competitively funded federal research support Definition: Three-year average of federal research expenditures (including S&E and non-S&E) adjusted to exclude ARRA and USDA formula-allocated research expenditures. This indicator includes obligations for the AFRI program funded by USDA. | Median of public AAU universities |
Membership in the National Academies Definition: Compiled from membership lists of each academy (National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine). | Median of public AAU universities |
Faculty awards, fellowships, and memberships Definition: Faculty members receiving awards, fellowship and memberships in the National Research Council (NRC) list of highly prestigious awards ( Data from the Faculty Scholarly Productivity (FSP) Database. | Median of public AAU universities |
Citation of faculty scholarly publications Definition: Average citation data for the most recent three overlapping five-year increments; from Thomson Reuters InCitesTM citations database. | Median of public AAU universities |
Faculty and staff diversity Definition: Number of women and racial/ethnic minority faculty and staff per UI’s Annual Affirmative Action Plan and Report of Activity guidelines on pool of available candidates. | Each college has developed and implemented an action plan to eliminate “significant disparities” with respect to the number of women and racial/ethnic minority faculty and staff. |
Philanthropy in support of faculty research and discovery Definition: Philanthropic support for faculty and research advancement (chairs and professorships, professional development, etc.). | A total of $200 million in FY17 through FY21 |
Economic development Definition: Number of faculty, staff, and students participating in disclosure, patent, licensing, and startup processes. | Increase by 10% over FY16 value |
Student Success
Metric | 2021 Goal |
Doctoral education Definition: Percentage of doctoral candidates who complete degree within six years. | 75% |
Undergraduate four-year graduation rate Definition: Four-year graduation rate for BA and BS degrees. | 60% |
Philanthropy in support of student success Definition: External philanthropy in support of student success (programmatic, graduate fellowships, scholarships, study abroad, student research support, etc.). | A total of $200 million in FY17 through FY21 |
Global/cultural diversity Definition: Student participation in programs that promote meaningful engagement with diverse and global cultures (international study, alternative spring break, internship, service learning, etc.) per Senior Exit Survey. | 50% of graduating seniors report participating in at least one of the identified programs |
Success of non-majority students Definition: Graduation rates of first-generation, underrepresented, and nontraditional students. | Equal to rates of entire student body |
High impact practices (HIPs) Definition: Student participation in programs that demand integrating learning across contexts (research, capstone project, service learning, internships, writing-intensive courses, academic campus employment, leadership development) per Senior Exit Survey. | 60% of graduating seniors report participating in three or more HIPs |
Prestigious student awards Definition: Rhodes, Fulbright, Goldwater, Woodrow Wilson, Boren, Gates Cambridge, Critical Language, etc. | A total of 50 in FY17 through FY21 |
Entrepreneurship Definition: Number of students exposed to entrepreneurial and innovation activities. | Increase by 20% over FY16 value |
Metric | 2021 Goal |
Alumni engagement Definition: Annual percentage of alumni supporting the University of Iowa through philanthropy. | 15% |
Community engagement Definition: Annual number of outreach and engagement activities per the Office of Outreach and Engagement annual report. | 700 |
Iowa engagement Definition: Number of Iowa county partners per Office of Outreach and Engagement annual report. | 99 |
Global engagement Definition: Number of significant global programs per Office of International Programs annual report. | 20% increase over FY16 value |
Workplace engagement Definition: Faculty and staff satisfaction per Working at Iowa engagement survey. | Exceed 85% agreement on Question 17: “I would recommend the UI to a friend seeking employment” |
Other Metrics
Metric | 2021 Goal |
Faculty compensation Definition: Average faculty salary. | Median of peer group |
Graduate student support Definition: Level of RA and TA stipends. | Top 25% of BOR-defined peer group |