Implementation Progress

Our goal is to provide comprehensive support for individuals throughout their relationship with the university, beginning by attracting and retaining talented students, faculty, and staff who will contribute to a thriving university community.

Promoting well-being and success is critical to our future. By providing the appropriate resources for students, faculty, and staff, we can become a destination university for talented individuals who support the achievement of the university's mission and goals. Since the start of the strategic plan, we further embedded well-being and mental health into the campus culture, charging a team to focus on coordinating campus efforts to enhance the health and well-being of the UI community. We also implemented several new initiatives related to recruiting and retaining our talented students, faculty, and staff.  

Key Metrics


total visits to UI Food Pantry in AY23-24

The Food Pantry distributed 114,889 pounds of food to 1,644 unique visitors


supervisors completing well-being and mental health training in 2023

The training module equips supervisors with skills to recognize and address mental health
challenges in the workplace

$ 16M

invested through the High Impact Hiring Initiative

Supporting 66 faculty recruitments and 26 faculty retentions

200 +

well-being resources

Located on the Well-Being at Iowa website, a comprehensive hub for resources that support students, faculty, and staff.

Highlights and Success


faculty, staff, and students sent the resource guide

The quick-guide for responding to distress includes information on how to support people in need

Fresh Check Day

New student care manager position in CLAS

Emily Hurst joined the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in March 2024 as its first student care manager. The position is part of the college’s Hawkeyes Helping Hawkeyes, a philanthropic initiative providing personalized mental health and well-being support to students. 

Faculty talking with each other

Faculty mentoring resources

A new faculty mentoring webpage has been created to enhance mentorship for faculty across all tracks and ranks on campus. This resource aims to connect faculty with evidence-based mentoring best practices and tools to expand personal mentor networks.

Night time lapse of Burlington Street

Hawkeye Late Night Uber Voucher Program

The Division of Student Life, Campus Safety, and the UI Parent and Family Council have teamed up with Undergraduate Student Government (USG) to continue their Uber subsidized ride pilot program into the fall 2024 semester. 

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