Implementation Progress
Our goal is to provide comprehensive support for individuals throughout their relationship with the university, beginning by attracting and retaining talented students, faculty, and staff who will contribute to a thriving university community.
Promoting well-being and success is critical to our future. By providing the appropriate resources for students, faculty, and staff, we can become a destination university for talented individuals who support the achievement of the university's mission and goals. Since the start of the strategic plan, we further embedded well-being and mental health into the campus culture, charging a team to focus on coordinating campus efforts to enhance the health and well-being of the UI community. We also implemented several new initiatives related to recruiting and retaining our talented students, faculty, and staff.
Key Metrics
total visits to UI Food Pantry in AY23-24
The Food Pantry distributed 114,889 pounds of food to 1,644 unique visitors
supervisors completing well-being and mental health training in 2023
The training module equips supervisors with skills to recognize and address mental health
challenges in the workplace
$ 16M
invested through the High Impact Hiring Initiative
Supporting 66 faculty recruitments and 26 faculty retentions
200 +
well-being resources
Located on the Well-Being at Iowa website, a comprehensive hub for resources that support students, faculty, and staff.
Highlights and Success
faculty, staff, and students sent the resource guide
The quick-guide for responding to distress includes information on how to support people in need
More Stories
Column One
Mental Health
- Becoming a leader in mental health research and resources
- Investing in our students' mental health
- Expanding faculty and staff training to support students in distress
- New and refreshed supervisor trainings prioritize mental health
- Empowering faculty and staff to talk student mental health
- 24/7 Crisis Line for faculty, staff, postdocs
- Campus Safety adds 988 suicide and crisis lifeline decals
Faculty Success
- Celebrating faculty excellence at the inaugural Highly Prestigious Faculty Award Investiture
- Transformational Faculty Hiring Program helps Iowa recruit national expert to lead Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Iowa Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Award highlights faculty who have established national or international reputations
- Book Matters events celebrate UI faculty strength in writing
- Pacheco honored with prestigious Carnegie Fellowship
- Supporting the success of our faculty
Column 2
- Food Pantry and Clothing Closet move to new location to better serve the university community
- Creating a healthier workplace
- Campus safety realignment supports well-being
- A major renovation to the IMU to better serve students
- Health fair brings campus together to encourage holistic well-being
- UI Threat Assessment Team furthering violence prevention efforts
- Introducing new Well-Being at Iowa website
- Resource Guide for Responding to Distress
Staff Success
- Flexible work arrangements promote hiring, retention, and work-life balance
- Instilling employee pride through engagement and discovery
- Expanding leadership development to everyone on campus
- Campus collaboration leads to sick leave policy updates
- Mapping the employment journey of Merit staff
- Discover Your University promotes employee belonging
- Employee Value Proposition incorporates well-being, employee-centric themes
- Merit Experience Pilot Project progresses toward retention goals in Year 1
- Mapping the employment journey of P&S staff
- Team coaching program for leaders and teams on campus
- Internship program establishes pathways to jobs at Iowa