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Strategic Plan 2016-21: Charge and Process
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These pages contain archived information about the University of Iowa Strategic Plan for 2016 to 2021.
During the spring and summer of 2016, the university community and its constituents met to outline the university's strategic plan moving into the future. The presentation shared at the community engagement forums is available here.
Charge to the Strategic Plan Development Group (SPDG)
Executive Vice President and Provost P. Barry Butler and Vice President for Student Life Tom Rocklin charged the Strategic Plan Development Group (SPDG) with
- Creating a strategic plan that:
- is crisp and time-sensitive;
- is inclusive of our university with a fast feedback cycle;
- facilitates change, innovation, and growth through annual review by the Strategy Implementation Team; and
- acknowledges the UI’s relationship to the citizens of Iowa, and financial considerations, as a “backbone” to the plan.
- Representing the “greater good” for the UI by recognizing the interests of key interest groups, the broader UI community, and Iowa in ways that:
- retain our mission and modified pillar structure;
- chart a course for a more distinctive UI by integrating our strengths into opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage; and
- result in a plan that is responsive to the current environment, focused, and promotes action.
- April-May 2016 - SPDG hosts a number of open forums to collect campus feedback.
- April - June 2016 - SPDG engages with existing constituent meetings to collect campus feedback.
- July 5, 2016 - SPDG submits a draft strategic plan that reflects the strategies and goals collected from the community to Provost Butler and Vice President Rocklin.
- August - September 2016 - SPDG hosts four open forums to collect community feedback on the draft strategic plan.
- October 1, 2016 - Final plan submitted.
In the 2016-17 academic year Provost Butler convened work groups to begin strategy implementation in conjunction with the Strategy Implementation Team and Operations Team. Work groups include faculty, staff and students with expertise in the particular strategy area.